My name is Rev. Nathaniel Hedin-Schmidt (Pastor Nate) and I’ve had the pleasure of serving at New Hope Faith Community since June 2023. I felt God calling me into ministry since childhood and, after studying music in college, I switched gears and followed my call becoming a graduate of the Master’s Institute Seminary in St. Paul, MN in 2018. It was during my time in Seminary that I received my first call in Iowa and have been serving as a full-time pastor since 2015.
I was born and raised in Northern Iowa and met my wife Liz in college. I am the super proud dad to two young kids, Evelyn and Ian. Other than my family and talking theology, my joys in life are karate, good coffee, scotch, fishing, Star Wars, and ruining the lyrics to all of my wife’s favorite songs. I long to see the Kingdom of God revealed and experienced this side of heaven and I love to see people grow in their relationship with God the Father, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit! I believe that as we experience everything that God has for us, He will make us better versions of ourselves so that we can build up the body of Christ together. |
Jessica Bonilla, Secretary
I was born and raised in Hanover, PA. I went to South Western High School then transferred to York Vocational Technical School, for Nursing. Later I received an Associate’s Degree in Sciences and Nursing from Harrisburg Community College. Due to a lot of back issues, I am no longer able to practice my love of nursing. I have served and volunteered with Mason-Dixon Youth for Christ for over 16 years. I use my own life experiences to show my love of Jesus. Every day, there are trials we go through and I do my best to show the positives in life. I also co-own and run a food trailer called Food Adventures. I am married to an amazing Godly man, The mother of 4 grown children, 3 grown step-children, step grandmother to 7, great aunt to one. I stay very busy. I am very happy to be a part of New Hope Faith Community.
Church Council
Vicki Alwine, (Vice-President)
Staff Support Joan Brown, Care & Concern
Charlie Evans, Finance
Shawn Strohman, (President) Outreach
Deb Baumgardner, Fellowship
Nancy Hoover, Christian Education
Jane Belt, Connections
Vince Hall, (Secretary) Worship
Donna Hall, (Treasurer)
Dave Kemper